Nanokinetics® is focused on becoming your formulation development partner. We are a global ingredients solutions company, focused on the design and production of liquid and powdered water-soluble nano-formulations for the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry.

Our Story

Scientific Journey: Crafting Water-Soluble Solutions

Nanokinetics’ journey is defined by an unwavering commitment to science. Leveraging cutting-edge processing equipment and expertise in formulation development, we strive to optimize the efficacy of bioactives by transforming them into water-soluble forms.

Our goal is to ensure that the world continues to benefit from these natural compounds by harnessing and optimizing their beneficial components.

nanoemulsion pre-clinical trial

Our Parent Company

Leading through innovation and R&D

Nanokinetics, a subdivision of the esteemed Industrial Sonomechanics, operates as a privately-owned entity based in Miami, FL, specializing in innovative drug delivery solutions. Serving as a formulation partner to businesses of all sizes, we provide swift, on-demand development and production of advanced water-soluble formulations, with our high-intensity ultrasonic technology serving as the cornerstone of our proprietary process.

Guiding the developmental trajectory of Nanokinetics are Dr. Alexey Peshkovsky, the company's co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer, alongside Jeff Meyer, our Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.

Our Solution

b2b: Water-soluble ingredients for your brand

Our offerings include a diverse portfolio of comprehensive nano-formulations, some of which are available as samples on our online store for customers to evaluate and test. We have continuously expanded our range, our R&D center, and manufacturing facility to meet evolving market demands. 

We collaborate with top-tier research companies and academic institutions to validate our formulations through clinical trials. The findings from these trials have been peer reviewed and published in numerous pharmaceutical journals.


Creating water-soluble nano-formulations out of naturally occurring oil soluble bioactives enables:

  • Fast-acting product
  • Predictable onset times
  • Consistent and reliable effect
  • Permanent kinetic stability
  • Easy integration into beverages or other water-based products
Nanoemulsion samples - water soluble liquids and solid powders, alkaloids, terpenes nanoemulsion

We are passionate about your brand success

Contact us to discuss your formulation development project

A division of Industrial Sonomechanics®. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by Industrial Sonomechanics, LLC.